
IMA Webinar Broadcast: Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3)

The InfraGard West Virginia Member Alliance is pleased to present West Virginia's very own Rachelle Barnette, a senior analyst with the Internet Crime Complaint Center for a discussion of the current threat landscape and how the Internet Crime Complaint Center can benefit you. Presenter: Rachelle Barnette, FBI Management and Program Analyst (IC3) As a senior […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Open-Source Information (OSIF) Lab 4: Finding People & Social Media Intelligence (SOCMINT)

Social Media information gathering (SOCMINT) lab series will cover the basics of conducting social media research. This will be a “how-to” on intermediate and advanced search and location techniques (AST) of social media accounts, activity and monitoring. The series will be structured in a manner where audience participation is an option (attendees can shadow the […]

INMA Partner Webinar: Effective Cybersecurity Policies for AI and Emerging Technologies

This briefing is based on the findings of a cross-sector task force of CISOs and staff who shared their challenges and best practices for developing effective cybersecurity policies that address the security challenges of AI and other emerging technologies. Topics discussed include: (1) policies frameworks; (2) administration (updates, approvals); (3) communication (e.g., to employees, contractors); […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR)

The objective of this course is to instruct and advise attendees on how and when to submit Suspicious Activity Reports (SAR). Instruction will work through the Nationwide SAR Cycle to assist with a description of the trained attendee’s role in suspicious activity reporting. Training will examine available resources, tools, and methods for submitting SARs, examine […]

Navigating the Future: Modernizing Cyber Security Risk in the Age of Quantum Computers

In today's rapidly evolving technological landscape, the emergence of quantum computers and the unprecedented advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) have introduced new dimensions of complexity and uncertainty to the realm of cybersecurity. As organizations strive to protect their valuable data and systems from ever-evolving threats, it is crucial to understand how to adapt and modernize […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Global Threat Overview and Ukraine Update

This is another in our FREE series of Global Threat & Ukraine updates. Global Threat Overview and Ukraine Update is a slight variation on the well-received webinars (with unprecedented registration/participation) that have become an InfraGard staple over the last 16 months. This begins by providing a worldwide threat overview looking at actual or potential flashpoints, […]


Situational awareness involves perceiving behaviors and environmental factors happening around you and how they can translate into threats. Most people don’t have a problem perceiving behaviors and environments but few know how to analyze the information you see to keep yourself safe. Advanced awareness was designed for the military to increase situational awareness and make […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Responsible by Design – The Emerging Frontier of AI Regulation and Governance

Join the Legal CSC for a virtual discussion on recent regulatory trends and legislative developments concerning the use and impact of artificial intelligence technology. We will also examine potential intersections with data privacy laws and consider a common set of principles for corporate AI governance in the United States. Presenter: Aaron Ting, Associate General Counsel […]

Fundamentals of Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure Protection for Security Executives and Practitioners @ GSX 2023

Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S. Griffin St., Dallas, TX 75202 650 S. Griffin St, Dallas, TX, United States

We live in a period of massive digital transformation with more and more of our critical infrastructure technology moving online and becoming increasingly interconnected. When combined with current international conflicts and emerging nationstate and organizational threats, our nation now faces exceptional challenges in safeguarding its 16 critical infrastructure sectors from attack, disruption, and exploitation. Our […]

Global Security Exchange (GSX) 2023 – Powered by ASIS

Kay Bailey Hutchinson Convention Center, 650 S. Griffin St., Dallas, TX 75202 650 S. Griffin St, Dallas, TX, United States

InfraGard National Members Alliance is pleased to partner once again with ASIS. Global Security Exchange (GSX) 2023 is an integrated experience with in-person and digital features that will take place September 11-13 in Dallas, Texas. The three-day event features daily global keynote and game-changer presentations, as well as concurrent education sessions focusing on the most […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Digital Footprint & Removal (Finding, Protecting and Removing your personal information online)

In today's digital age, your personal information is more exposed than ever. Advertisers, hackers, and even stalkers can exploit your digital footprint, impacting not just you but your friends, family, your critical infrastructure sector and organization. But what if you could take control? Introducing a comprehensive course that demystifies the concept of finding your personal […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Elder Fraud / Scams

Chris is a voice of the industry who has worked with multiple fraud teams and presented at many senior centers to educate the public about these crimes. Chris will share his real experiences listening to seniors who have been victimized by scams, and you'll leave this webinar with invaluable information on the telltale signs of […]