
IMA Webinar Broadcast: Advanced Personal Situational Awareness During the Holiday Season

Situational awareness involves perceiving behaviors and environmental factors happening around you and how they can translate into threats. Most people don’t have a problem perceiving behaviors and environments but few know how to analyze the information you see to keep yourself safe. Advanced awareness was designed for the military to increase situational awareness and make […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Learn the Power to Influence from a Host Negotiator, Michelle Kelley

Former FBI Special Agent and Hostage Negotiator, Michelle Kelley will provide a keynote Podcast with interactive exercises. Ms. Kelley provides a compelling, interactive walk through of listening skills used in a hostage negotiation. In this compelling talk you’ll discover the unique transferrable skills Michelle’s gained from coordinated communications with terrorists, international criminals and those in […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: 2022 Technology Litigation Update

This presentation will discuss some of the most interesting computer and technology cases that were decided in 2022. Presenters: Pierre Grosdidier, Attorney Pierre is a litigation attorney, board certified in construction law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Pierre’s practice includes data privacy and unauthorized computer access issues. Prior to practicing law, Pierre worked […]

A CISO’s Guide to an Effective Cybersecurity Metrics Program

This briefing is based on the findings of a cross-sector task force of CISOs and staff who shared their challenges and best practices for developing and using security metrics to drive decisions within their organizations. Topics discussed include: (1) defining security metrics; (2) identifying criteria for an effective security metric; (3) adopting a metrics framework; […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: OSINT Back to Basics (Search in 2023)

Recent changes in search engine algorithms have made many previous search techniques obsolete. With these advances in technology, new software and the internet in general, we are taking a new and up to date look at how to search, record and retrieve the information you are looking for and help you investigate faster and more […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Ukraine Update & Global Threat Overview

This is another in our FREE series of Ukraine and Global Threat updates. Please note that this briefing is for Infragard members only, along with active Law Enforcement and members of the military and reserves or U.S. Intel. You will be required to provide your Infragard ID# during registration. If you have questions about your […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Emergency Preparedness for Home and Office

With the recent spate of severe weather and widespread flooding, tornadoes and even Earthquakes, we are reminded of the critical importance of personal preparedness at the home and office. Whether earthquakes, floods, terrorism, pandemic, wildfires or something else, disasters happen. Whether we are at work or at home, disaster can strike at any time, and […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR)

This training is provided FREE by Los Angeles Infragard The training will include guest speakers from the DHS (Protective Security Advisor Brian Keith), Los Angeles Joint Regional Intelligence Center (JRIC) and the Vice President of the Community Security Initiative (CSI) at the Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles to discuss some case studies and the […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Inside Scoop

This webinar will include a briefing by an FBI Analyst briefing of the latest information of interest to the private sector. Also, Senior Counsel for the SEC will provide an overview of rules changes which will affect how companies report cyber incidents. Presenters: Krysten Frazier, FBI, Intelligence Analyst Joshua Dickman, SEC Mr. Dickman is a […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Russia’s War on Critical Infrastructure: Beyond Ukraine

Russian military cyber operations targeting Ukrainian critical infrastructure over the past year have not had the crippling effect many strategists feared. This is for a multitude of reasons, including Russia’s likely desire to limit collateral damage and international response, Ukrainian defensive capabilities and support from partners, and Russia’s transition from asymmetric cyber warfare tactics to […]

IMA Webinar Broadcast: Physical Security Flaws in Plain Sight

Join Bill Gardner from Marshall University, as he shows us examples of physical security failures from the real world. Every day you may walk by multiple examples that are hiding in plain sight. Do you know where to look? Join us for the webinar and it may change the way you perceive the world around […]