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Threat Assessment: An Overview of the Behavior-Based Approach to Preventing Targeted Violence

March 26, 2024 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT

For over 20 years, the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) has conducted research on the thinking and behaviors of those who commit acts of targeted violence in an effort to prevent future tragedies. This presentation will highlight relevant findings and recommendations from NTAC’s latest research, Mass Attacks in Public Spaces: 2016-2020, which indicates that targeted violence is preventable. Ensuring the safety of our communities is a responsibility that belongs to everyone. This presentation will also discuss how communities can use a multidisciplinary approach to identify, assess, and intervene with individuals exhibiting concerning or threatening behaviors.

Presentation Agenda (Times and Speakers):
1:00-1:10p – History and Mission of the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC)
1:10-1:20p – NTAC research findings, key implications, and considerations from the analysis of targeted violence
1:20-1:40p – The U.S. Secret Service threat assessment model
1:40-1:50p – Available resources to facilitate targeted violence prevention initiatives
1:50-2:00p – Questions and answers

Learning Outcomes/Objectives: Upon completion of this webinar, the attendee/student will be able to:

  1. Describe targeted violence and the principles of behavioral threat assessment
  2. Understand the components of the U.S. Secret Service’s behavioral threat assessment model
  3. Identify potential concerning behaviors and individuals who may pose a risk of engaging in targeted attacks
  • Recognize behavioral indicators, circumstances, and situational factors of perpetrators of targeted violence
  • Become familiar with multidisciplinary risk management strategies and interventions used to mitigate the risk of harmful outcomes

Presenter Information:

Katie Lord, Supervisory Domestic Security Strategist, U.S. Secret Service
Katie currently serves as a Supervisory Domestic Security Strategist (SvDSS) with the U.S. Secret Service National Threat Assessment Center (NTAC) where she oversees global outreach efforts, and interfaces with community safety leaders to facilitate access to NTAC resources in furtherance of preventing targeted violence. In addition, Ms. Lord conducts presentations and participates on consultations to support threat assessment programs, as well as to offer guidance on individual complex threat cases. Ms. Lord has 20 years of experience with the Secret Service, which includes supporting financial crime, background, protective intelligence, and insider threat investigations. Prior to joining the U.S. Secret Service, Ms. Lord developed management simulations and trained assessors at an international human resources company.

Workshop Accessibility:
Open only to vetted InfraGard members

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