Maine’s InfraGard Member Alliance invites you to attend a presentation with the Anti-Human
Trafficking Intelligence Initiative. Sponsored by Deer Brook Consulting, Kennebunk Maine
The AHTII processes open-source and other intelligence to detect links between online human
trafficking and local businesses. This service can greatly enhance BSA, AML, KYC, and fraud
prevention. They provide financial institutions with the ability identify likely connections
between customer accounts belonging to traffickers.
Larry Cameron, CISO, The Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative
Larry has 20+ years of experience in the technology and cyber security industries. He is the CISO at the Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence Initiative (ATII) and an OSINT Investigator / Lead Cryptocurrency Forensic Specialist for the National Child Protection Task Force (NCPTF).
Who Can Attend:
Open only to vetted InfraGard members.
Target Audience:
Financial Services Sector, Cybersecurity, BSA, AML, KYC, Fraud Prevention Units