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IMA Webinar Broadcast: Fraud & Financial Crimes in the New Age

January 21, 2021 @ 8:30 am - 12:30 pm PST

This course will give attendees an understanding of complex fraud and financial crimes in the new age. Financial crimes affect not just individuals but also organizations of all sizes, government entities and all sectors of critical infrastructure. Learn about the various types of fraud and financial crimes, how identify the indicators early and potentially prevent these types of crimes from disrupting your organization.

1). Understanding of Fraud and various financial crimes
2). Internal and external financial crimes
3). International and Domestic financial crimes
4). Indicators of fraud or financial crimes
5). Case studies
6). Investigative resources

Presenter: CT Watch Inc. 

A retired Detective with 20 years’ experience in white-collar crimes and investigations from a large Southern California Police Department, 5 years as team leader for US Secret Service International Fraud Task Force.

Who should attend: Open only to InfraGard members and their guests. Particularly aimed toward InfraGard Members, Public Safety (Law/Health/Fire), Terrorism Liaison Officers (TLO’s), Infrastructure Liaison Officers (ILO’s), Private Sector Security, Area Stakeholders, all Critical Infrastructure Sectors, Intelligence Analysts, Intelligence Officers and Private Investigators.

Register: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/6671263023832721421