As part of our June webinar focusing on criminal threat training, we are offering a Financial Services Sector virtual breakout panel discussion on the future of cryptocurrency and associated risks, regulatory issues from recent advanced persistent threat (APT) events, and the shifting of attack channels.
Upon completion of this webinar, the attendee will be familiar with the future of cryptocurrency and associated risks, regulatory issues from recent advanced persistent threat (APT) events, and the shifting of attack channels.
Anne Benigsen, SVP-CIO, CISO, Bankers Bank of the West and President, CiviTas Bank Solutions
John Podvin, Partner, Ottesen Shapiro, LLP
Denyette DePierro, InfraGard National Financial Services Sector Chief and an ABA Senior Council
Who Should Attend:
All members are welcome to join this event, however, pre-registration is mandatory using the below link. Space is limited to 1000 people, and this is an unclassified webinar open to InfraGard members and non-members so please feel free to invite your colleagues.