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Fundamentals of Homeland Security: Critical Infrastructure Protection for Security Executives and Practitioners @ GSX 2023

September 9, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm CDT

We live in a period of massive digital transformation with more and more of our critical infrastructure technology moving online and becoming increasingly interconnected. When combined with current international conflicts and emerging nationstate and organizational threats, our nation now faces exceptional challenges in safeguarding its 16 critical infrastructure sectors from attack, disruption, and exploitation.
Our national security and economic vitality is up to you, the front line professionals, executives, practitioners, and service providers who operate the majority of our nation’s critical infrastructure. To help strengthen your organization’s physical and cybersecurity, InfraGard National Members Alliance proudly presents a signature workshop via our flagship National infrastructure Security and Resilience U education program.

This half-day workshop will provide attendees with knowledge, skills and practical guidance in the following areas: what critical infrastructure protection is; the nature of the physical, cyber, and human (insider) threats; primary stakeholders and their roles and responsibilities; and the tools and resources available to help them better protect U.S. critical infrastructure

Major General James Williams, USMC (ret), InfraGard North Texas Members Alliance
Chad Johnston, Cybersecurity Advisor, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency
Charles Kim, FA Public-Private Partnership and Exercise Program Manager, San Diego Law Enforcement Coordination Center
Philip Oglesby, Critical Infrastructure Protection Unit, San Diego Law Enforcement Coordination Center
Kimberly Pratt, Director of Private Sector Engagement, Northern California Regional Intelligence Center
