Today’s Drones and Future Threats: We are fairly good at detecting and tracking commercial, off the shelf UAVs (aka drones) but lack the legal and regulatory authority to effectively counter them. At the start of the presentation, we will briefly review the legal state of play for countering UAVs domestically. We are also technically ill prepared for future threats. There are many examples of drones, and drone capabilities that we are not prepared to track, investigate, or counter. We will review a number of examples of potential future drone threats to keep in mind. David Kovar, a private sector member of the NH Information and Analysis Center, will take us through these issues, the risks they pose to society, and the challenges we face in mitigating those risks.
David Kovar, CEO, Founder
David Kovar has been involved with cybersecurity and digital forensics for over 20 years. In 2015 he gave his first public presentation on drone forensics while working for Ernst and Young as an incident response senior manager. In 2018 he founded URSA, Unmanned and Robotics Systems Analysis, to develop tools and processes for extracting and presenting data relating to drones and other autonomous systems. In addition he volunteers with the New Hampshire Information and Analysis Center on UAV, CUAS, and cybersecurity topics.
Who Can Attend:
Open only to InfraGard members and their guests
Target Audience:
Law Enforcement, Private Sector, Researchers.
Webinar ID: 457-457-083